Objective Metrics
As a matter of practice, I love metrics and measuring how we are doing. It is great to put in an improvement initiative and see the results. Metrics and measures, though, should be objective. I remember the old quote, “statistics do not lie, just the people who use them.” This is true with our metrics, […]
Vendor Contracts
One of the things rarely discussed in outsourced or multi-sourced environments, on either side of the table, is change. Most outsourcing/multi-sourcing contracts are for 5 years. Yet, the business needs change dramatically over two years, if not more frequently. Consider how much change we’ve had the past two years. Looking ahead, the rates of change […]
Focus on Outcomes
In this multi-sourced, multi-partner environment we are in today, we need to focus on outcomes. The contracts, SLAs, and every communication has to be focused on outcomes. The process must be identifying customer outcomes working backward toward the partners. When we see poor experience, both from the consumers and employee point-of-view, it is usually due […]
Value Co-Creation
The ITIL4 concept of value co-creation is novel and practical as it means that both the service provider and service consumer contribute to the creation of value. As we think about this further, very few things are purchased without input from the consumer. When you have a house built, there is co-creation as each party […]
Back to Basics
We are in a time when the basic fundamentals are overlooked and remain underappreciated. People are anxious about all that is going on. Companies are striving to show value via Digital Transformation. The focus is on innovation, not doing the current things better. In a time when executing well is overlooked and underappreciated, I want […]